Building Information Modelling (BIM) in Design, Construction and Operations

Benefit from a free placement to implement a Building Information (BIM) case study of your choice in your company. We are looking for companies to implement a BIM case study of their choice.

If interested, a group of MSc student from our BIM in Design Constructions and Operations course will help you to develop and implement a BIM case study, while on placement.

What is involved?

The placement includes two stages:

Definition and Feasibility: Our students collaborate with you to tailor a unique case study and evaluate its feasbility, providing a detailed implementation 'roadmap'.

Development & Implementation: Each student focuses on a specific aspect of the case study in alignment with your company's needs. The process follows the latest BIM protocols to ensure a cutting-edge, compliant outcome.

When and how to engage;

- There are 2 intake dates, November and March each year.

- 8 contact days with the organisation over a approx. 7 month period.

- 8 hours = 1 contact day.

- Arrangements to be agreed between the organisation and the students e.g., remote/ virtual work.

Please tell us more about your project, company requirements and how a student project could benefit your business:
Please tell us about the skills you require, any experience that would be beneficial and the type of candidate you are seeking:
You will be required to support these students through the project
If different from above